Home > Contact > Class of 2028 > Prospective Students Shabbaton
Join Maryland Hillel and the Jewish community for a Prospective Student Shabbaton, March 1-3, 2024 for all accepted class of 2028 Jewish Terps! During the weekend, you will get the opportunity to meet other Jewish terps also starting in the fall, be hosted by a student involved in the Hillel community, and participate in a variety of fun activities, student panels, Shabbat programming, and enjoyable meals.
A Shabbaton schedule will be shared closer to the weekend. Programming will begin with Shabbat on Friday, March 1, and end on the morning of Sunday, March 3. The Shabbaton is intentionally held the same weekend as an Admitted Student Open House with one being held March 1. You are encouraged to register through the university for their Open House to gain information regarding academics on campus, and then join the Jewish community for a Shabbat weekend experience. Please note that registration for the Maryland Hillel Prospective Student Shabbaton will not register you for the Admitted Student Open House and vis versa. We look forward to welcoming you to campus!
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